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Newsletter week 24

By the board

Dear reader,

The activities were packed!
The past two weeks it seemed that everyone took their last chance to visit the activities of this year. The Fc party, the Laser gaming with SPIn, BeestFeest, the VACUOLES Waalbeach BBQ and the TKBborrel/Almanac borrel by PRAC: they were all completely packed. Amazing! We hope that everyone will continue this good spirit after the summer break by both putting in the effort to organize all of BeeVee’s marvellous activities or by visiting and enjoying them.

ABO’s study together session, 15th of June!
Last newsletter I made the huge mistake of saying that this year’s activities were done. This was a lie as ABO has decided to help you with studying once again for the final exams of this year! On the 15th of June there will be their ‘study together session’ and this will really be the last activity by a committee this academic year. There will be teaching assistants present to help you with the courses of this quarter and snacks, coffee and tea will also be provided. Join them and your fellow biologists in HG00.075 from 10:00 till 16:00!

Final activities by the board!
The board will also organize a fun after exam chilling in the North Canteen on Friday the 30th of June. From 14:00 till 17:00 you can join us there for some games, drinks and snacks to celebrate the exam period (hopefully) being over. Also the biologist evenings every Thursday from 21:00 till 00:00 at Sjors & Sjimmie will continue for another few weeks before we call in the definitive summer break for that as well. As some of you might know, we are experimenting a bit with the venue of these evenings so if you have any ideas for that, feel free approach and contact the board about this!

Good luck with the exams!
Being busy with board tasks has left me with quite some studying still needed for the upcoming exam weeks so I will see you all in the library and at the study together session. Enjoy the nice weather, drink enough water and good luck!

With love,
On behalf of the 38th board,

Machiel Weistra
Secretary of BeeVee


Date Name Activity Organising party Time Location
15-06 Study Together Session ABO 10:00-16:00 HG00.075
30-06 After exam activity The Board 14:00-17:00 North Canteen
Every Thursday Biologists Evening The Board 21:00-00:00 Sjors & Sjimmie

Late Night Conference

The fifth episode of Late Night Conference with Wilhelm Huck is on Tuesday 13th June, 20h00 CET! This episode will be streamed live on our YouTube channel Late Night Conference with WH (don't forget to subscribe & watch our previous exciting episodes!) from Giga-Bite at Huygensgebouw, where we are excited to have you in our audience!! Get your free ticket here to watch the show LIVE. Please note - no ticket is needed if you only want to watch the stream on YouTube!

The digitization of chemistry and materials science. What are they, exactly? So far this season, we have seen all kinds of blends between computer science and the physical sciences. Our speaker Teodoro Laino works in the industry and is a Research Scientist at IBM Research Europe in Zurich. Teodoro will guide us towards the lab of the future, and we are very much looking forward to finding out what the future looks like! He will join us online and you can ask all your interesting questings during the discussion section directly.  

The RoboRXN project, an innovative technology of Teodoro’s team, is a cloud-based AI-driven autonomous chemical lab, aiming to change the way chemists work. RoboRXN provides a novel way to perform chemical synthesis in a safe, automated environment, that can be accessed remotely! We are only going to say this: RoboRXN will help chemistry transition from a traditional to high-tech environment, and will render materials discovery a piece of cake. Join us on June 13th!  

To prepare, you can enjoy this highlight reel from our last seasons. Also, do not miss out on the fourth episode of this season.  You can follow us on Twitter and Instagram, as well as subscribe to our mailing list for the latest updates!

Looking for student assistants first year Q1 courses

 We are looking for student assistants to assist the first quarter of the freshman year Biology in 2022.  
This involves a combination of the following three courses: 

1) Introduction to the Bachelor programme 
2) Evolution and development of plants 
3) Animal evolution and adaptation  

  From September 4th onwards, these courses together will last 7 weeks in total. Assume that you can work the entire working day during that period on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. These courses have a lot of lab classes and you also need some time for preparation.  

  Interested to assist these courses? Or do you first want to know more or do you have questions? Please send an email to team Practical Education & Educational Support Biosciences (​ 

Do you participate (again) in the RU Healthy Student Life survey?

The study period is a phase of life with many challenging events that can have both positive and negative impacts on (mental) well-being and health behaviors. Would you like to help us understand more about the state of RU students' well-being? You can fill out our questionnaire using the link you received in your RU student mailbox (search your RU mailbox for 'Healthy Student Life'). Your contribution is needed!

Perhaps you have also participated in our previous questionnaires in October 2021 and May 2022? If so, thank you very much! Both the contribution of students who have participated before and the contribution of students who are participating now for the first time is very valuable to us. With your unique contribution, we can make concrete recommendations that can be used to improve policies at Radboud University and develop tools that can positively influence your well-being and that of your fellow students. The data will also be included in scientific publications. Finally, to compensate for your participation, you will receive a free cup of coffee (or tea/hot chocolate milk) at SPAR University RU & by participating you will have a chance to win great prizes, including a voucher or a month of free sports at the Radboud Sports Center. Completing the questionnaire will take about 20 minutes.

If you have any questions or cannot find your invitation email, please contact us via: or visit our website.    

Picture of the week

The Almanac of 2023 was presented at the TKBorrel on the 7th of June last week! 

Do you also want to shine in the newsletter? Send a picture to!